
Tvtropes nott the brave
Tvtropes nott the brave

tvtropes nott the brave

* Liam using Caleb's Keen Mind feat to force Matt to repeat information whenever it's convenient, using some variant of "Liam doesn't remember this, but Caleb does." * Caleb's method of counting/spelling: by painstakingly emphasizing everything. * The BlackComedy surrounding Frumpkin's 1d4 HP and his multiple deaths. * The ] that keeps showing up and becoming progressively terrified of the Nein. Sometimes preceded by Travis trying to mime to Ashley that she should rage when she forgets. * Yasha announcing "]", followed by Travis breaking into barbaric whoops of approval. * Chanting different phrases to the tune of ]—for example, "Regular gnoll, regular gnoll!" * Making puns of Fjord's name with Ford Motor Company cars or slogans. * The trend of Beau's first attack ], and her second being a BoringButPractical attack that is much more successful. >'''Matt:''' You guys sound like over there. * Due to Caleb's vaguely German accent, any dice roll that amounts to nine inevitably draws a chorus of ] This gets to the point that, in Episode 8, Caleb gives the group the name of "The Mighty Nein". * Nott's terrible Charisma being required for hilariously frequent rolls, with single-digit (or lower) results. * The group chanting "Le-vel X! Le-vel X!" whenever their characters fail at something mundane in the campaign's early stages. * Sam wearing the same shirts that he wore in the corresponding episode of Season 1. * As a CallBack from the original campaign, old people are a common target. ''' ''' !!Arc-specific moments: * ]]Episodes 1-25] * ]]Episodes 26-47] * ]]Episodes 48-69] * ]]Episodes 70-91] * ]]Episodes 92-112] * ]]Episodes 113-141] ] ] * ]'s dirty appearance and ], and the tendency of the others, especially Jester, to point it out.

tvtropes nott the brave

'''As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked ] Administrivia/YouHaveBeenWarned.

Tvtropes nott the brave